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Home: Welcome
Desk with laptop and mobile phone used in digital learning

Create effective learning products  

Blended classrooms & webinars, Elearning, just-intime Micro-learning, Online Interactive Assessments, Communities...

Senior woman sitting on a table looking at a laptop and smiling
Train adult learners and make them feel confident to work with new skills
Diverse adult learners
Busy women learners
Solutions for multicultural adult learner needs
Peer-to-peer learning
Just in time of need learning
Professional learning for youth
Self-paced learning for technology, behavioral and soft-skills

 Our approach

Effective learning designs that make busy adults feel confident to apply their new skills. Data from research of learner needs drive strategy plans. Innovative designs using benefits of emerging technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) tools.

To deliver strong returns on investment, a Participatory Learning Approach© is used. It combines ethnography research method to gather data on learner needs, skills gap analysis, uncovering insights, instructional design principles, adult learning theories and new technologies

Digital learning
Mobile learning
Hybrid learning
Digital literacy
Community of practice
Blended learning
Discussion forum

Our Expertise - that address learning needs

  • Design, develop and deliver new-skills e-learning, expert sessions of blended-learning & micro-learning anytime, anyplace on any device 

  • Manage learning projects from client discussions to launch on time and budget, in agile collaborations with subject matter experts, IT teams

  • Measure holistic learning outcomes with analysis of data from quantitative surveys, qualitative interviews and observations

  • Launch online communities, discussion forums, focus groups, podcasts for learner interactions to share experiences of new skills


Learning designed to scale-up for multi-cultural, multi-lingual learners and accessibility needs. We design new technology, behavioural and soft-skills learning in cross-cultural contexts. Work with global corporations, higher education, government, non-profits and start-ups.

Business Handshake

Our learning path design

Mix of visuals, audio, closed captions, with quizzes, interactive live online evaluations and hands-on practice sessions

Create innovative content using insights uncovered from research with quick translation into different languages for global delivery

Harness the power of artificial intelligence technologies (ChatGPT, Midjourney) to create personalised learning experiences with Chatbots, etc.

Learners include, sales teams, executives, staff, learning & development professionals, independent practitioners, consultants, academics, consultants, men and women from ethnic minority groups...



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Located in Cambridge 
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 77 13 97 62 12

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